Self-care (lightbulb moment)

So I’ve been busy–too busy to write regularly here, with good things. After a whirlwind of awful last spring/summer, I’m in full bloom again. Somehow. Miraculously. Last summer was about group therapy for alllllll of us. Which for me, meant nonstop driving kids back and forth, back and forth. I never got my garden started…

self-care = health-care

Two big things that have changed inside me, since I started feeling better. 1) That emotional pain (and hyper-vigilance) that was ever-present, as a physical feeling behind my sternum, has vanished. I thought I would carry a piece of that forward with me forever. I felt forever marked by sadness and fear. 2) Before, I…


Monday was a morning of delightful connectedness. Signed up for a new fitness class with two of my closest girlfriends, and we put our mid-40s bodies through a bunch of strange paces. Barre made me feel like a tellytubby trying to do ballet moves, but it was amazing! My body is sore in places that…

today’s mindful meals

Happily today was another day where I had lots of time, energy and motivation about eating well. I’m finding that plating my food helps me be present, and makes each meal feel more intentional—like a mini-event. Continuing to track my eating with the help of the Noom app. I’m 50/50 on the app itself. Some…

a make or break time of life

My life has changed so much over the past year. A year ago, I was in the middle of a physical breakdown – the result and manifestation of out-of-control stress. I spent the autumn on the sofa, sleeping hours and hours each day. And finally dragging myself to the doctor, convinced that something was seriously…